A friend of a customer heard that we did retaining walls and gave us a call because her's ended up falling into her neighbor's yard and she didn't know what to do!

Upon arrival, we saw the damage, saw that the wall was literally chunks on concrete stacked on top on each other, and that it was only a matter of time before someone (her grandchildren) would get hurt.

At the time, this was going to be the largest project we'd ever bid to do AND we weren't allowed to touch the white fence or access the neighbor's property with anything larger than a wheelbarrow!

The customer chose to go with the beautiful Williamsburg Blend in the Versa-loc Standard Block retaining wall system and this wall can still be seen driving along Grove Road in Verona, PA.

If you're wondering why we left the end that way, stay tuned for next week when I show you what the neighbor decided to do with us a year later on the next wall page!


McLaughlin Drive, New Kensington


Grove Road, Verona (neighbor)