The homeowners had bought their house, and wanted the backyard to be a little bigger for their adorable twin toddlers! They called us for some ideas and we agreed to expand the backyard by 8 feet (as shown in the sideshot of the wall) and to not make the wall TOO tall for when the kids would climb along the wall when they got older.
They chose to go with a Versa-Loc Retaining Wall System in the Standard Block style in Dessert Blend. Look at how the colors pop in that sun!
After installing the wall, we leveled out the entire backyard, planting new grass, creating a space for everyone to love still to this day!
This wall was installed in 2014 and unfortunately, we got so excited to get to work, there weren't any "before" shots taken. We never thought we'd be showing off our work in this manner back then!