When we met with these awesome clients, they had a vision of what they wanted to create in their backyard. They recently had a new patio poured and were ready to open things up and make their backyard somewhere they wanted to spend more time at. There was a vision of a shed at the top of the yard, a fireplace, more flat space near their new patio, and a lawn that they'd be proud to mow!
We were given a lot of freedom on this job, trusting us to create something awesome!
We went with a Standard Versa-loc retaining wall system for both the shed and lower wall in Slate Blend with the Anthracite caps.The Blockhouse Slate blend stairs make traversing up to the shed much more manageable.
Let's talk real quick about the fireplace. This was something new for us and we made sure the clients knew it and they gave us full creative freedom on it! Sure, there are pre-made fireplaces that you can purchase and that are shown at some of the local vendors, and there are kits you can order online, but we really wanted this to be something awesome, and used the same wall block and caps to make it feel like the wall was built to merely accent the fireplace! Other than purchasing the insert, the rest is 100% custom made! We also made 2 areas for wood storage on each side!
The before and after pictures show how much this changed everything!
There was an existing fire pit seen in the before pictures. It was huge and bulky and wasn't really an enjoyable spot to enjoy yourself. We removed it (if anyone is in need of some large boulders, contact us!)